
参加C-SARS (认知自评量表)
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C-SARS for Patients with Schizophrenia– full article in Current Psychiatry


Henry Nasrallah, MD

Henry A. Nasrallah,医学博士


The brain has numerous functions, some of which become abnormal in mental disorders, including thoughts, mood, emotions, perceptions and insight. In addition, psychiatric brain disorders like schizophrenia, mania and depression, can also be associated with mild, moderate or severe impairments in what is called “cognitive functions.” These functions include memory, attention, learning, planning, decision-making, reading the expressions on people’s faces, and feeling empathy towards others.

Cognition is measured by various tests administered by neuropsychologists, and may take between two-six hours or more. There has never been a cognition test that a person can use to assess his or her own cognitive functions, in order to determine whether formal testing by a specialist is needed.

所以我决定创建 非典型肺炎, (代表 C点火 小号小精灵-一种评估 R小号cale) 来帮助患有精神病脑的人评估自己,以决定他们是否需要正式测试。我是一名精神科医师、教育家和研究员,治疗过数以千计患有精神疾病的患者。我还是 CURESZ 基金会的联合创始人兼科学总监,该基金会致力于倡导和支持精神疾病患者及其家人。

To access the C-SARS and use it to assess your cognitive functions, go to the Foundation’s website (CURESZ.org), register,  respond to the 12 questions and submit your response. You will receive the results in a PDF sent to your email, which will include your calculated score. You will be advised whether you should seek formal testing, and ask your psychiatrist to refer you to a neuropsychologist.

Henry A. Nasrallah,医学博士




这篇评论 精神分裂症的认知,由两位国家专家在这个主题上进行,将对参与精神分裂症患者管理的患者、家庭、精神病医生和精神卫生专业人员有用。

CURESZ 基金会科学主任 Henry Nasrallah 博士就认知问题采访了 Phillip Harvey 博士(迈阿密大学) 六部分视频系列.

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