泰森麦奎尔, 前辛辛那提大学俱乐部主席


CURESZ 基金会热衷于为学生提供他们需要的信息,以便他们与精神科医生一起工作,摆脱残疾或完全避免残疾。 CURESZ 宣传精神分裂症是一种可治疗的脑部疾病,对于任何疾病,包括精神疾病,都应该毫不犹豫地开始治疗。

15-25 岁的学生患精神分裂症和相关疾病的风险最大。 CURESZ 还致力于对学生进行有关双相情感障碍、抑郁、焦虑、药物滥用和自杀意念等合并症的教育。我们希望让学生看到自己和他人的警示信号。我们也希望同学们选择与苦苦挣扎的同龄人做朋友。

Our first CURESZ club launched in 2020 at the University of Cincinnati, led by CURESZ volunteer and psychology major Lizzie Kozarik. Today, the CURESZ Foundation sponsors an on campus club at the University of Cincinnati. We also welcome a network of students from throughout the United States and abroad to join us for our virtual lecture series. CURESZ is currently looking for more committed students who share our vision to spread our message of hope through founding a student club at their high school or college.

俱乐部参加者将了解有关脑部疾病的重要信息,并找到一个安全的空间来分享他们的个人故事。我们的 CURESZ 董事会成员将可以回答学生的问题,并与任何需要的学生分享医疗建议。

CURESZ clubs will find creative ways to reach out to the community and share a message of hope: psychiatric disorders are treatable today and, far from being the end of your life, with treatment you can lead a healthy, productive and vibrant life.

有关 CURESZ 俱乐部的更多信息,并加入我们的虚拟月度会议,请通过 bethany.yeiser@curesz.org 或通过 CURESZ 联系 Bethany Yeiser 这里。