
Thriving as a librarian and advocate: Christina Bruni

克里斯蒂娜·布鲁尼 (Christina Bruni) 于 1987 年从大学毕业并获得英语学士学位后不久就被诊断出患有精神分裂症。

In 1987, when she was 22, her beloved Sicilian grandfather slipped into a coma and was hooked up to a respirator in an intensive care unit. The experience was Christina’s breaking point.

At 5:00 pm on a Friday, she experienced paranoia and delusional thinking. Christina thought that the government was after her and that the world was ending. She thought a person would kill her and was fearing for her life, though she didn’t hallucinate or hear voices. By 9:00 am that Saturday her mother had driven her to the ER.

Christina was given medication within 24 hours. Three weeks later she had no symptoms. Her current doctor lists her condition as paranoid schizophrenia in remission. She has been symptom free since that time.

However, the mental health staff at Christina’s day program held the belief that recovery wasn’t possible. But even then, she believed in her vision of recovery. Her goal was to obtain a full-time job and live in her own apartment. She achieved this goal within three years of having her breakdown.

Christina and her psychiatrist made the decision to wean her off all medications in 1992. However, Christina soon found she was unable to function without the antipsychotic medication. Since that time, she has taken her medication everyday as prescribed. Christina credits her success to her ongoing treatment. Today, she has been in full symptom remission for over 30 years.

In June 2000, Christina graduated from Pratt Institute with a master’s in library and information science (MS). Today, she is a member of the Beta Phi Mu librarian honor society.

She has worked for over 20 years as a professional librarian in an urban public library. Fifteen years ago, she found her niche to be career services, helping others find jobs that fit well with their skills and interests. More than 85% of the individuals she created resumes for over the last 15 years have obtained job interviews that led to job offers.

自 2005 年以来,克里斯蒂娜一直是“城市中的布鲁尼”专栏作家 城市之声, a peer-to-peer mental health newspaper. In 2020 she started to alternate this original column with her new Career Corner articles. These articles are available at www.cityvoicesonline.org.

Christina understands that life can be hard for everyone living on earth. Her early life was difficult, and she prefers to keep this private. In July 2000, when she was 35 years old, her recovery took off when she started her librarian job.

自 2002 年以来,她一直是一名励志演说家,与同龄人、家庭成员、大学生、教师、辅导员和公众交谈。克里斯蒂娜想让你知道,在精神分裂症康复期间,你可以拥有自己设计的充实而充实的生活。作为一个乐观主义者,她坚信最大的痛苦可以成为确定人生目标的催化剂。她的目标是促进世界的欢乐、爱、和平和理解。

In addition to being a speaker, author, and librarian, Christina is an athlete. The achievement she is most proud of is her ability to deadlift 205 pounds at the gym.

克里斯蒂娜的完全康复记录在她的第一本书中, 表盘左侧:精神分裂症、康复和希望的回忆录.的前提 表盘左侧 is that getting the right help right away resulted in a better outcome. Christina healed via medication and by engaging in creative pursuits with art, music, fashion, books, and writing.

Her second book, Working Assets: A Career Guide for Peers: Finding and Succeeding at a Job Living with a Mental Illness, was published in October 2022It details real-life strategies, first-person accounts, and resources for finding and succeeding at a job that is right for you.

The best advice Christina can offer about living in recovery is that having a support network can make all the difference. It can be as simple as sharing a meal with friends. Finding what gives you joy can help when you’re going through a hard time. Be open, curious, and receptive to new people and possibilities.

您可以通过 cb@christinabruni.com 联系克里斯蒂娜。在主题行中使用 CURESZ Profile 一词,她会回复您。



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