Problems in neurocognition and social cognition are common symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. The Cognition Self-Assessment Rating Scale is a quick test to determine if a full battery of neurocognitive testing is needed.

(Cognition Self-Assessment Rating Scale)


A Self-administered assessment of one’s own brain cognitive functions

The brain has numerous functions, some of which become abnormal in mental disorders, including thoughts, mood, emotions, perceptions and insight. In addition, psychiatric brain disorders like schizophrenia, mania and depression, can also be associated with mild, moderate or severe impairments in what is called “cognitive functions.” These functions include memory, attention, learning, planning, decision-making, reading the expressions on people’s faces, and feeling empathy towards others.

Cognition is measured by various tests administered by neuropsychologists, and may take between two-six hours or more. There has never been a cognition test that a person can use to assess his or her own cognitive functions, in order to determine whether formal testing by a specialist is needed.

So I decided to create the C-SARS, (which stands for Cognition Self-Assessment Rating Scale) to help persons suffering from psychiatric brain evaluate themselves to decide if they need formal testing. I am a psychiatric physician, educator and researcher, who has treated thousands of patients struggling with mental illnesses. I am also the co-Founder and Scientific Director of the CURESZ Foundation, which is dedicated to advocate for and support patients with mental illness and their families.

To access the C-SARS and use it to assess your cognitive functions, go to the Foundation’s website (, register, respond to the 12 questions and submit your response. You will receive the results in a PDF sent to your email, which will include your calculated score. You will be advised whether you should seek formal testing, and ask your psychiatrist to refer you to a neuropsychologist.

Henry A. Nasrallah, MD

Henry A. Nasrallah, MD, DLFAPA
Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neuroscience
Director of the Neuropsychiatry and Schizophrenia Programs – University of Cincinnati College of medicine

This review of cognition in schizophrenia, by two national experts on this topic, will be useful for patients, families, psychiatric physicians and mental health professionals who are involved in the management of people with schizophrenia.

The CURESZ Foundation Scientific Director Dr. Henry Nasrallah interviews Dr. Phillip Harvey (University of Miami) about cognition in this six-part video series.