To see all CURESZ videos, visit our YouTube Channel

Information from an expert, and lived experience from a recovered patient. Dr. Henry Nasrallah (Executive Vice-President and Scientific Director of CURESZ) and Bethany Yeiser (President of CURESZ) talk about the latest schizophrenia research.

Robert McCullumsmith, MD, PhD, and Bethany Yeiser, BS, discuss the basics of schizophrenia, and Bethany’s personal experience. Delusions, hallucinations, other symptoms, treatments, and what teenagers should know are discussed in this seven-part video series.

Dr. Louis Cady (CURESZ Board Member) and Bethany Yeiser (CURESZ President) talk about clozapine in this three part series. Why it should be prescribed, Bethany’s personal recovery on clozapine, and why clozapine differs from other medications are discussed.

Dr. Erik Messamore (CURESZ board member) and Bethany Yeiser (CURESZ president) discuss topics in schizophrenia, incarceration, homelessness and stigma.

Dr. Henry Nasrallah (Executive Vice-President and Scientific Director of CURESZ) and Bethany Yeiser (President of CURESZ) talk about tardive dyskinesia, a common side effect of antipsychotic medications.

Dr. Henry Nasrallah (Executive Vice-President and Scientific Director of CURESZ) and Bethany Yeiser (CURESZ President) discuss long-acting injectable medications (LAIs) in this four part series.

Though historically regarded as a mental illness, schizophrenia is a brain disorder. The photographs featured in this video represent real people who are thriving despite schizophrenia.

The CURESZ Foundation Scientific Director Dr. Henry Nasrallah interviews Dr. Phillip Harvey about cognition in this six part series.

Mary is a schizophrenia patient struggling with persistent voices and medication side effects. When she visits Dr. Smith he is rude and won’t take the time to listen to her. After a conversation with her mom, Mary and her mom visit Dr. Smith together and find answers and hope.

“Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention: A Road Map for Today and Tomorrow,” by Dr J. John Mann, October 12, 2021.

About our “Friendsz” Schizophrenia Caregivers Mentoring Initiative.