Tyson McGuire, former University of Cincinnati club president
CURESZ on Campus Clubs
The CURESZ Foundation is passionate about offering students the information they need to work with their psychiatric physician and emerge from disability or avoid it altogether. CURESZ spreads the word that schizophrenia is a treatable brain disorder, and there should be no hesitation to beginning treatment for any medical condition, including a psychiatric illness.
Students age 15-25 are at the greatest risk for developing schizophrenia and related disorders. CURESZ is also committed to educating students about comorbidities including bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. We hope to enable students to see the warning signs in themselves and others. We also hope students will choose to be a friend to their peers who are struggling.
Our first CURESZ club launched in 2020 at the University of Cincinnati, led by CURESZ volunteer and psychology major Lizzie Kozarik. Today, the CURESZ Foundation sponsors an on campus club at the University of Cincinnati. We also welcome a network of students from throughout the United States and abroad to join us for our virtual lecture series. CURESZ is currently looking for more committed students who share our vision to spread our message of hope through founding a student club at their high school or college.
Club attendees will learn important information about brain disorders and find a safe space to share their personal stories. Our CURESZ board members will be available to answer students’ questions and to share medical advice with any student who needs it.
CURESZ clubs will find creative ways to reach out to the community and share a message of hope: psychiatric disorders are treatable today and, far from being the end of your life, with treatment you can lead a healthy, productive and vibrant life.
For more information about CURESZ clubs, and to join our virtual monthly meetings, please contact Bethany Yeiser at bethany.yeiser@curesz.org or via CURESZ here.