CURESZ mentor Mary Palafox
Become a Mentor
If you are one of the thousands of caregivers providing support for a family member affected by schizophrenia, CURESZ offers you the opportunity to provide support to another family affected by schizophrenia by becoming a “Friend” (mentor). Friendsz like you are recruited from all over the country to provide mentoring, empathy and support to a schizophrenia caregiver.
Each potential Friend/mentor completes a profile summarizing their personal experience with schizophrenia caregiving. All of your information remains confidential and is only shared with the CURESZ staff and the person you agree to mentor.
Each applicant works with the CURESZ Foundation to be screened and trained. Friendsz will be contacted when a schizophrenia caregiver seeking support is determined to be a match.
Please register online by filling out our CURESZ contact form to tell us a little about yourself. One of our CURESZ staff members will be in touch.
Meet the Gee family. CURESZ Friendsz mentor Lynette is a teacher, entrepreneur and mother of three. Over the years she taught high school and junior college math. She also worked at Packard Electric as an industrial engineer, and in sales in the pharmaceutical industry. Today, she works with Gee Coaching, doing seminars and training for educators, and individual health coaching. She is pictured here with her husband Jayson and son Brandon.