Comprehensive Understanding via Research and Education into SchiZophrenia

The CURESZ Foundation offers advocacy, information, advice, as well as educational and supportive resources to enhance the understanding of schizophrenia as a treatable neuropsychiatric illness.

CURESZ Foundation President Bethany Yeiser speaks about her remarkable journey from homelessness and severe schizophrenia into full and sustained recovery for the past 14 years, thanks to clozapine. Her memoir, Mind Estranged, was released in 2014. Dr. Henry A. Nasrallah, who helped Bethany achieve her complete recovery, is Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neuroscience, and an internationally recognized expert on schizophrenia and related psychoses.

View information about cutting edge and underutilized medications, schizophrenia as a brain disorder, our treatment checklist and our Cognition Self-Assessment Rating Scale.

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Stories of Recovery and Emergence from Schizophrenia

Awakenings tells the stories of 28 remarkable “Survivors,” who are recovered and thriving despite schizophrenia, but their journeys have not been easy. Many suffered from homelessness, repeated hospitalizations, and countless medication trials before finding an effective and life-changing treatment plan. Once they received the optimal treatment, each of them experienced a personal, social and functional “awakening.” Today they have returned to their baseline, or nearly so, and live meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Carlos A. Larrauri

Carlos A. Larrauri M.S.N., A.R.N.P., F.N.P.-B.C. serves on the Board of Directors for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 23 years of age. Mr. Larrauri aspires to interface clinical practice, health policy and research, to reduce health inequities for people living with mental illness.
“Schizophrenia Survivors” are people who are thriving despite a past diagnosis of schizophrenia, and want to offer hope to others.”

Ashley Smith

Ashley Smith is a non-fiction author, speaker, peer counselor, and mother. She courageously fights the stigma of mental illness with her name attached to her lived experience. She is celebrating a decade in recovery.
“Schizophrenia Survivors” are people who are thriving despite a past diagnosis of schizophrenia, and want to offer hope to others.”

Lauren Kennedy

Lauren lives with the diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. She enjoys working as a research assistant, and manages the YouTube channel Living Well with Schizophrenia.
“Schizophrenia Survivors” are people who are thriving despite a past diagnosis of schizophrenia, and want to offer hope to others.”

Darrell Herrmann

Darrell’s life didn’t grind to a halt when he was diagnosed. The year after his hospitalization, he went back to college to study computer programming. He finished his degree two years later, and successfully worked as a computer programmer for the next eighteen years.
“Schizophrenia Survivors” are people who are thriving despite a past diagnosis of schizophrenia, and want to offer hope to others.”

Bill MacPhee

The future looked bright for Bill, already living his dream. Five years later, Bill was living a nightmare, pacing a psychiatric ward, trapped in a world of illusions, delusions, paranoia, and depression. Today, he is known as a “schizophrenia recovery expert”.
“Schizophrenia Survivors” are people who are thriving despite a past diagnosis of schizophrenia, and want to offer hope to others.”